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State Minister's Message

H.E Dr. Fikru Regassa, 

State Ministry for Livestock Resource Development

FDR Ethiopia Ministry of Agriculture


Director's Message

Hadgu Mendefro (DVM, MSc, Ph.D.)

Director for Ethiopia Livestock Identification and Traceability System and Animal Welfare

Dear readers,

I am excited to share our vision and objectives for ET-LITS (Ethiopia Livestock Identification and Traceability System) as we embark on this transformative journey together. Our mission is clear, and our goals are ambitious, but with dedication, collaboration, and innovation, I am confident that we can achieve great success. Here are some of the priorities of ET-LITS-

  • One of our top priorities is to elevate food safety standards and traceability throughout the entire livestock value chain. By implementing robust traceability systems and quality control measures, we aim to ensure that consumers have access to safe, high-quality livestock products.
  • ET-LITS is committed to facilitating trade by aligning with international standards, enhancing market access, and promoting export opportunities for Ethiopian livestock products. We recognize the importance of meeting global requirements and building strong partnerships with international markets.
  • Our focus on enhancing breeding practices, genetics, and productivity is aimed at improving the overall quality and resilience of Ethiopia's livestock. By leveraging advanced breeding techniques and genetic selection criteria, we strive to elevate livestock standards and meet the evolving needs of the industry.
  • ET-LITS is dedicated to creating disease-free compartments, implementing biosecurity measures, and strengthening disease prevention and surveillance capabilities. Our goal is to minimize disease risks, protect livestock health, and safeguard the livelihoods of farmers and pastoralists.
  • We believe in fostering financial inclusion by providing livestock stakeholders with access to credit, developing tailored financial services, and promoting financial literacy programs. Empowering stakeholders with financial knowledge and resources is essential for sustainable growth and prosperity in the livestock sector.

I urge all farmers, pastoralists, animal health experts, animal science experts, researchers, livestock traders, exporters, consumers, and all stakeholders involved in the livestock industry to continue your hard work, collaboration, and innovation. Your dedication and contributions are crucial in driving forward our shared vision of a thriving and sustainable livestock sector in Ethiopia. Let's stay focused, motivated, and united in our mission to make ET-LITS a beacon of excellence and progress.

Thank you for your unwavering commitment and dedication. Let's write the next chapter of success for ET-LITS together!

With best regards,

Hadgu Mendefro (DVM, MSc, Ph.D.)

Director for Ethiopia Livestock Identification and Traceability System and Animal Welfare

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ETLITS is housed in the Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture under Livestock Identification, Traceability Systems and Welfare Directorate with regular follow-up by Livestock and Fishery Resource Development Sector to ensure proper function. Day to day activities will be reported for each regional offices directly on to the system whereby ETLITS central office staff are responsible to organize and report to the higher officials as needed. In order to ensure proper function of the system roles are distributed among the different structures setup specifically for ETLITS management. These are The Steering committee. Working group, local committees a nd central ETLITS unit.     

Roles and responsibilities of Livestock Identification, Traceability and welfare Directorate

  1. Implement the animal identification and traceability system process

  2. design viable national animal identification and traceability system  implementation programs and structures from the national level down to grassroots administrative units and ensure that the animal identification and traceability system  process is national, 

  3. identify, deploy  and assign roles and functions appropriately to key stakeholders through a process that is participatory, consultative and inclusive;

  4. functioning under the Minister, select and implement the best animal identification and traceability system  approach for the country

  5. Secure the adoption and application of Regulation and proclamations set for implementation of national animal identification and traceability system in the country,

  6. set up a national animal identification and traceability system data base to provide information and information systems

  7. creating public awareness and sensitization

  8. endeavor for gradual transformation of the system in to competitive and internationally credible source of information relevant government projects and existing livestock laws in order to avoid conflict and duplication of effort; and

  9. commission research studies to inform and or evaluate the feasibility of animal identification and traceability system  implementation in the country;

  10. address issues of capacity building in order to have competent staff capable of providing oversight for animal identification and traceability system implementation;

  11. formulate regulations and guidelines on any animal identification and traceability system  matter for approval and adoption by the minister for purposes of system  implementation;

  12. investigate any Regulation that violates any provision of this Regulation and take or enforce any appropriate punitive or remedial measures as circumstances may justify;

  13. cause any administrative, civil and/or criminal proceedings to be taken by appropriate authorities against any person committing an offence under this Regulation;

  14. Exercise such other powers or perform such other duties as are specified under this Regulation or any other written law to promote national as well as regional animal identification and traceability system agenda;