Who We Are

Who We Are

The government of Ethiopia has placed significant importance on the development of the livestock sector in a sustainable manner.  The economic sectoral and sectoral policies and strategies of the government recognize the importance of the livestock sub-sector to national GDP, and the ability to this sub-sector as a potential catalyst for poverty reduction and economic development. The country has now developed a livestock master plan (LMP) which outlines comprehensive strategies in identifying and addressing major sectoral constraints in order to harness the full potential of the sub-sector. The LMP and second Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP2) identifies the Ethiopian livestock identification and traceability system (ETLITS) as one of the major intervention areas to enhance livestock and livestock products export trade.

The ministry of Agriculture with financial and technical support from different developmental partners mainly (USAID, EU, AU and World Bank) have initiated implementing Livestock Identification and Traceability Systems (LITS) pilot. The primary objective of the pilot is to test LITS on a limited scale and asses its feasibility in country wide implementation and overall cost effectiveness in bringing the Ethiopian livestock resources into the global market.

National ETLITS unit is established under FRDE Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock Sector Development, Livestock Identification, Traceability and Welfare Directorate at Addis Ababa. The unit is composed of specialist veterinaries who works in close collaboration with multitude of actors in the live animal and meat export value chain.    

The four Pillars of ETLITS

1. Animal identification: Uniquely identifying individual animal by plastic ear tags which are controlled nationally

2. Premise registration: Unique identification of physical and location premises including but not limited to primary markets, secondary markets, feedlots, holding grounds, quarantine stations, abattoirs, laboratories and establishments who have direct or indirect relation with the animal to be traced.

3. Movement records: Animals will be tagged at primary markets. All livestock movements between premises along the entire value chain will be registered and permits will be issued and recorded.

4. Database recording: ETLITS database will used to record and process all information associated with registered data.