Governance of Etlits





Steering committees

The members of the Steering Committee will provide strategic guidance to ensure that activities are effectively implemented. The Committee will help to disseminate information about the program results both nationally and internationally. The Committee may establish such committees as it deems necessary for the functioning of the committee. Members are composed of the private sector, Non-Governmental, and government institutions who have a greater share in the current Ethiopian live animal and beef production-marketing sector.

Working Group

The established working group will function as a collaborative engine force in the system to bring harmony on the overall activities. The WG will be instrumental by providing an advisory and supportive role in identification of tasks, related to overall database function and future expansion, identification of new device type selection, site selection for markets, feed lots and abattoirs during the implementation phase. WG is composed of representatives from the Federal Government different directorates (LITAW, Export Abattoir ICD, QICD, Epidemiology, Disease prevention, Trade and Market Development), NAHDIC, Developmental partners and representatives of EMPEA and ELAEA. The WG will be chaired by Director of LITAW directorate. WG is expected to meet each month to review activities conducted and provide support.

Local committees

In order to effectively conduct implementation of LITS programs at the ground level these committees are formed. For direct supervision of activities in and around livestock markets, veterinary health interventions and also internal check posts which are the focal points in the route of animal transport. Depending on the specific region or availing zonal structures these committees will be composed of the woreda and zonal bureaus mainly associated with the livestock markets. Generally LC are expected to encompass officials from Zonal pastoral or livestock bureaus, Woreda administrative office, woreda trade and market development office, woreda animal health bureau, woreda police, customs, private owners and elders. The main function of these committees are providing support for day to day activities in and around those specific woreda livestock markets and resolve issues which might arise during implementation of LITS with in their territory.

Roles and responsibilities of the Local Committees 

  • Understand the ETLITS and its value chain

  • Support the operations of the ETLITS implementation

  • Contribute to ETLITS coordination

  • Provide adequate personnel technical support to the ETLITS implementation (veterinarians, market officers, guards and so on)

  • Provide support to communication efforts for ETLITS

  • Raise awareness of the necessity of the ETLITS

  • Raise awareness of the ETLITS requirements

  • Gain the support of livestock owners and keepers at local level

  • Increase awareness of the general public on activities of the ETLITS

  • Assist with compliance monitoring and enforcement of ETLITS

  • Provide communication to raise awareness and address the concerns of ETLITS activities

  • Follow up on day to day ETLITS activities in the woreda

  • Raising awareness, familiarization with ETLITS and understanding the requirements and obligation of the pastoralist or producers

  • Assist the development of a coordinated system of information flow and reporting

  • Assisting DVS officials with problem-solving and put measures in place to resolve

  • Assist with ensuring that the system is fully operational

  • Support market infrastructure development and build up necessary infrastructures (crushes, pens fences…)

  • Technical assistance consultancy to support ETLITS team

  • Create suitable work environment for ETLITS implementation

  • Assist with integrating of ETLITS and animal disease surveillance systems

  • In case of findings of TADs early notification and rapid response on control measure and also collaborate effectively with federal MOA to disease eradication measures.





1. Regional Level Focal Person

  • Preparing work plan and sharing for Regional Bureau , Federal LITAW Directorate and Zonal Offices

  • Prepare proposals to  conduct training, Workshop, Awareness creation, Field visits, Assessments, Supervisions

  • Follow the activity status at zonal and Market areas

  • Communicating with Federal and Zonal level about the activity

  • Prepare and Sharing activity report to Regional and Federal Bureau



2. Zonal Level

  • Cascading and Sharing plan for woreda focal person

  • Supervising market

  • Collecting, compiling, and sharing reports for Regional Focal Person

  • Ensuring if the activity is accomplished per SOP

  • Conducting meetings with local committees

  • Managing Ear tag and Applicator


3. Market Veterinarian

  • Performing activities according to SOP prepared

  • Closely work with local committees

  • Applying Ear tag for Health animal purchased for Export

  • Recording and Reporting number of animals and range of Ear tag Codes soled per day